Monday, September 27, 2010

First Post!

So I've had this blog for awhile now, but I felt that there were other things I should be working on before I launched myself into the blogging world. (Example: Our basement is full of boxes that, no matter how often I wish them to, are not unpacking and organizing themselves.)

But one of my newly-discovered favorite sites,
Raising Homemakers is having a fantastic giveaway I just HAVE to enter! The more ways you announce the giveaway, the greater the chance of winning! More about that in the next post.

So...who is Sunshine and why should anybody care about her square inch?!

A brief synopsis. I like bulleted lists; they're easy on the eyes.


  • Some people call me Sunshine. Some people call me Sharon. I will leave that up to you.
  • I've been married since May to my wonderful hubby, we'll call him B. Or DH. I take it that is bloggy speak for "Dear/Darling Husband" and I like that.
  • I have my Masters, but after much prayer and discussion with DH, we have decided I am to spend this season of life as a full-time wife and homemaker. And I LOVE IT.
  • DH and I are part of a small church plant and being home has allowed me to be heavily involved in that. Yes, it can be weary work at times but I am so thankful I can serve the Lord in this way. I have grown so much in my relationship to Him as I prepare for Sunday School, play piano, and lead and attend Bible Studies!
  • During my college years, much emphasis was laid on redeeming the time and where we are for Christ and focusing on His sovereignty over all things. A more colloquial way of saying that would be "Bloom where you are planted." I know I am where I am and doing what I am doing for a reason. I hope to use this blog as a way to share what I am learning as I walk with the Lord through this time in my life and to bring Him the glory due His name!
  • I also hope to share funny stories, photography, and little vignettes from my life to keep you entertained.
  • I don't know if any of this makes you care about my square inch, but thanks for reading anyway!
I think that is probably enough for a first post! Stay tuned to hear about the giveaway!



  1. Hi Sunshine! Thanks for visiting my blog. That's amazing that you have a connection with Jennifer, and you read all about her housemate on my blog! Small world indeed.
    Well, I'm gonna follow you....does this make me the first follower?!
    Keep in touch
    Love, Anne x
    ....oh, and yes, I'm interested in your square inch!

  2. Thanks Anne! I am so pleased to have my very first follower! I'm going to work harder at keeping this thing updated! :) I'll be checking in on your croft as well!
