Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I thought I'd share about what our family has done in the past to say what we are thankful for as we gather around the Thanksgiving table.
I love working with kids, and I love thinking of new ways of doing things, so this assignment was perfect for me! Here's what we've done in the past:
- One year I had leftover cut-out paper leaves from a craft we had done in my internship (pattern available here and here). I made the stems quite a bit larger than in the pattern so there was room for a paper hole punch. On each leaf I wrote the person's name vertically so there was room to write beside each letter. Each person had to think of something they were thankful for that began with each letter in their name. They were also given extra leaves to write whatever they wanted. Adults were welcome to help the children and vice versa! We also asked those who could to explain WHY they were thankful for those things/people/ideas. After the meal, we strung all the leaves on a long piece of yarn and hung it up in Grandma's dining room.
- Example: For ANNE:
- Amazing Grace
- Nutcracker Ballet tickets
- Notes from dear friends
- Eggs
- NOTE: I had still more extra leaves, and since I am also in charge of devotions for Thanksgiving, I wrote down on several leaves Bible verses I wanted us to meditate on that day. I handed these out to volunteers and we enjoyed listening to each other read from the Word.
- Another year I handed out slips of paper, each with a random letter on it. The little ones received one or two, the adults three or more. They then had five minutes to write as many things that they were thankful for as possible that began with that letter. They were also given a blank piece of paper to say thanks for whatever they wanted. In our family, we love playing Scattergories, so this was particularly fun--as well as thought-provoking and amusing.
- Two years ago, I purchased these online: Thankful Trees . Each family worked on a tree and shared what they had written on each foam leaf. After the meal, we spent time fellowshipping and gluing the leaves onto the tree. A great way to keep the whole family involved, and if you don't want to purchase these online, I'm sure it would be easy to duplicate with fall colored soft foam from the local craft store. You could even use cardstock for the tree and construction paper for the leaves!
- Last year we had a bit of a twist and a surprise for our dearly loved Grandma. I handed out a slip of paper and told everyone that they were going to share why they were thankful for someone in the family. Everyone was excited to see who they would be thankful for, and I loved watching as every single person (except Grandma) furiously scribbled reasons they were thankful for Grandma! The slips of paper simply said "I am thankful for GRANDMA because _____________________." I made these on the computer and it was quite easy and fun, and wonderful to see Grandma's eyes light up as her children and grandchildren rose up and called her blessed! You could easily hand everyone a different person's name from your family--or work together in groups.
This year I am not going to be at my family's Thanksgiving (this year we will be at my in-laws) and the torch has been passed to my cousin K. I know he will do a wonderful job, and I am so excited to hear what he comes up with.
I hope that this has encouraged you to be creative as you thank the Lord for all His many blessings this Thanksgiving season!
Good ideas Sharon....I mean Sunshine! You should be a teacher! :) Sorry you can't be at your family's Thanksgiving to keep on the tradition, but maybe you could start it on our side too. :)